Throughout the years, Coulson design build inc. has been recognized for not only their artistic touch but their superior craftsmanship and uniqueness.
National CHBA SAM award for housing excellence:
2020- winner for housing excellence whole home $500,001 to $1,000,000.
2013-finalist for home renovation under $500,000
2009- finalist for whole-home custom home under 2500 sq ft
2007- finalist for home renovation under $500,000
Provincial OHBA Awards of Distinction:
2019-finalist for home renovation valued over $500,000
Local Golden Hammer WEHBA awards:
2019- production built home 1601 sq ft and over
2019- custom built home up to 1800 sq ft
2018- most outstanding home renovation above $120,000
2018- most outstanding custom built home up to 1800 sq ft
2013- most outstanding renovation project over $200,000
2010- most outstanding renovation project $100,000-200,000
2009-most outstanding renovation project over $200,000
2009- most outstanding renovation project $100,000-200,000
2008- most outstanding single detached 2,200-3200 sq ft.
2008- most outstanding renovation project $100,000-200,000
2008- most outstanding renovation project under $100,000
2006- most outstanding renovation over $200,000
2005- most outstanding renovation $100,000-$200,000